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Vision Zero and How to Get There : Have You Lost a Loved One in a Traffic Accident?

Zero Traffic Deaths in NYC

Although Vision Zero is a program that New York City has been working on, the year 2019 did not end well for that goal. As of December, 20 2019, the NYPD reported that there was a 48-hour period where drivers in New York City killed a total of six pedestrians. The deaths spanned Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens, and the first death took place in Flushing. Subsequently, the NYPD arrested two drivers.

(Reference: Gothamist)

Oslo, Norway Meets its Vision Zero Goal

Compare these NYC fatality facts with another one. Oslo, Norway accomplished its first Vision Zero goal and had no traffic fatalities whatsoever in 2019. The city has a population of 673,000 people, but even so, this achievement is remarkable.

Some of the determining factors that led to this achievement were:

  • Lowered speed limits
  • Traffic calming measures
  • Expanding bike networks
  • Banning cars from certain areas

Vision Zero provides hope and inspiration for cities around the world.

(Reference: U.S. PIRG)

New York's Plan for Vision Zero

Vision Zero is a NYC citywide initiative to eliminate traffic deaths through  engineering, enforcement and education. This program takes a group effort and does not come about overnight. However, greater enforcement against violations, such as speeding, and increased penalties against reckless drivers has been effective. Moreover, the addition of speed camera programs, new street signs and better traffic configurations can also help reduce vehicle collisions and resulting deaths.

A recent article called "It's time to ban cars from Manhattan" by James Nevius, suggested that the best place to start making changes is Manhattan. Only 22 percent of Manhattan residents own cars. He envisioned what it would be like if 14th Street had no cars—only dual bus lanes, a wide pedestrian thoroughfare and a two-way bike path.

Fellow New Yorkers, we need to keep working on our goal of reaching Vision Zero.

Have You Lost a Loved One in a Traffic Accident?

If a loved one has died in a traffic accident due to the fault of another driver, an experienced car accident lawyer can explain your legal rights. Sackstein Sackstein and Lee, LLP has decades of experience advocating for families in traffic accident cases.

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