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Remote Conferencing and Clients’ Safety

During COVID-19, helping personal injury clients remains our priority. We are committed to representing clients in a way is safe for everyone. For this reason, remote conferencing has become a vital tool. For the most, in the majority of cases, we can gather information, argue your case, and interface with the court system through remote conferencing.

How Legal Approaches for Personal Injury Clients Have Changed During COVID-19

The New York Law Journal released information in April that civil court systems and attorneys were busy learning the "art of remote litigation."  

New York courts are hearing most, if not all matters remotely. In-person hearings are only for strictly emergency matters, and even most emergency matters are being heard remotely.

Witness Testimony

When witness presences are necessary, courts are using video conferences.

Oral Arguments and Case Depositions

Courts are hearing most oral arguments for cases by phone or video. Depositions are also being taken remotely either through phone or video conference.

Case Trials

If the case requires a jury, then most likely the trial will not proceed at this time. Understandably, the jury selection process is too complicated to be conducted remotely. However, bench trials in civil cases can occur remotely. A bench trial is a trial, where by law, no jury is necessary, and a judge can decide the case.

Keep in mind, that prior to COVID-19, most civil cases did not go to trail. Through negotiation, arbitration or mediated settlements, parties were able to reach a settlement. All alternative dispute resolution can be done via teleconference or video conference.

What About Meeting with Your Attorney?

In keeping with the courts’ standards, our firm is reserving in-person meetings for emergency matters. We are discussing most cases with clients through teleconference or video conference.

COVID-19 has not changed the fact that seriously injured clients should still consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer as soon as possible. Find out about protecting your rights to recover compensation.


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