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What Are the Risks for Swimming Pool Injuries?

As warmer weather arrives, swimming pools become a favorite form of recreation for people across the country. However, if pools are not properly maintained and supervised, they can also put people at risk for injury.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) swimming pool deaths occur at the rate of approximately 10 deaths per day. Twenty percent of people who die from drowning are children, who are age 14 and younger. For each child who dies, five children receive emergency care treatment for nonfatal submersion injuries. In fact, more than half of all drowning victims receive emergency department care, hospital care or further medical care.

What Kind of Injuries Can Result from Drowning?

Probably the worst type of lasting injury that can result from drowning is serious brain damage. Serious brain damage can create permanent disabilities including memory loss, learning disabilities and the inability to function normally and take care of daily needs.

What Safety Tips Can Help Prevent Swimming Pool Injuries?

The following safety precautions can help prevent swimming accidents and injuries:

When Would a Swimming Pool Injury Become a Legal Issue?

When serious injury or death occurs as a result of a pool injury, and negligence was involved, grounds may exist to pursue a lawsuit. Examples of negligence could range from a failure to supervise swimming, to not fencing off a pool or not repairing broken pool equipment, such as a drain or ladder.

At Sackstein Sackstein & Lee, LLP, we offer a free initial consultation to talk about serious pool injuries or wrongful death and determine whether there is a basis for legal action.


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