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Distracted Drivers Statistics

The largest incidence of distracted drivers involved in fatal crashes is in the age group under 20. This is according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) distracted driving statistics. In fact, 16 percent of drivers under 20 in fatal crashes were distracted while driving. Furthermore, the number one cause of teenage deaths is motor vehicle crashes.

How bad is the distracted drivers situation in New York?

The New York State traffic safety website reports that distracted driving is the "number one contributing factor to motor vehicle crashes in New York State."

What is distracted driving?

Driving distracted happens in one of these ways:

The Most Common Form of Distraction

Over the past number of years, cell phone use and texting has become the most common form of distracted driving.

A study showed that 65% of near crashes and 80% of crashes occurred when the driver looked away from the road ahead immediately prior to the crash. Here are some additional distracted drivers statistics:

Most states have now passed a distracted driver law that bans texting while driving. In New York, drivers under 21 convicted of a first texting or talking while driving offense face a fine and driver's license suspension.

Were you the victim of a distracted driving accident?

Find out what your legal rights are to recover compensation for serious injuries. Call our office and arrange a free consultation.

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