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New York City Construction Accidents Are on the Rise

Construction accidents, deaths and injuries statistics are rising in New York City. In fact, work site deaths are 33 percent higher than they were five years ago. Furthermore, construction site injuries have risen 221 percent during the same time period.

CBS News New York featured an article in August 2019 that contained these facts.

What Factors Are Involved with Falls and Other Work Site Accidents?

Cities with older infrastructures are in the process of rebuilding, and necessarily so. However, with pressure to complete work within specified deadlines, some construction companies cut corners. The city's Department of Buildings deputy commissioner of enforcement said that they are putting pressure on contractors to comply with safety regulations.

The fact is, however, that construction is in demand. New York City has an estimated 45,000 active construction sites. According to the deputy commissioner, about a quarter of the sites are not in compliance with safety regulations. The city requires all workers to have 10 hours of safety training. The number of hours will increase to 40 hours by 2020.

In the meantime, three construction workers died in August 2019. A crane in SoHo crushed and killed one worker and falling debris at an east side Manhattan worksite killed another worker.

What Sets New York Apart Legally Is the Scaffold Law

No other state has the level of protection that New York offers for construction workers when working at heights, whether on ladders or scaffolds. New York law, referred to as the “Scaffold Law” holds property owners and employers accountable for injuries due to gravity related falls. This applies to injuries from falling debris along with workers who fall from scaffolds or ladders. Employers must provide workers with appropriate safety equipment.

It is vital for any construction worker suffering from a serious injury of this type to contact a lawyer who has experience handling falls from ladders cases. An experienced lawyer can protect your rights, advocate for you and take legal action to obtain compensation.

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